Guitar Category

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This is another cool video on how to put together a heavy riff in Drop-D Tuning from the folks at Next Level Guitar. Head on over there after watching the video to check out what all else they have to offer.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Music Theory - Find The Target Notes While Soloing

I had to share this video. Brett Papa shares with us some really good theory on how to find the target notes when soloing. This was the video that really opened things up for me as far as understanding how to put together a solo.

Pentatonic Soloing - Shifting Positions

More GREAT soloing techniques from PapaStache! It is easy to get locked int a single position when soloing, but in this video Brett takes you through some technique as far as how to shift positions, mixing minor and major pentatonic scales and several different options for running up and down the neck. Add a little more life to your pentatonic soloing with these techniques.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Major Scale - Ionian Mode

The building blocks of music, the Major scale is described in detail as it relates to the guitar. We all know it.


But do you know how to play it on the guitar? Most of us start with basic Pentatonic shapes, and you can even excell and become quite accomplished using these shapes. But, if you are more interested in actually learning theory and how the guitar works, this is a great lesson from our friend Andrew Wasson of Creative Guitar Studio.

Learn Modes in 15 Minutes

Do you find the Modes confusing? Don't. This is the best explanation, and demonstration, that I have been able to find. Both of this two part video lesson from Rob Chapman are listed below.

Part One:

Part Two:

Want to find more about Rob? Here are more links on where to find him.

Forum & Store
Chapman Guitars

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dueling Banjos, Played SOLO

Ok, this isn't a lesson. It's actually a video by a guy named Mark Kroos. Lots of guys can play fast, clear and accurate. How many can play TWO parts fast, clear and accurate at the SAME TIME? None that I know of. Well, not until I saw this. Mark plays both parts of Dueling Banjos at the same time using finger tapping on a double neck guitar. This is truly amazing!